استخدامات used to


كاتب جيد جدا
وهي إحدى إستخدامات الماضي البسيط وتستخدم كالتالي
لحالة العادات الماضية التي انتهت عادة ما يستخدم مع used to و يستخدم بعدها الفعل فى المصدر .
1-we used to live in a small house
2-I used to walk for miles

1-في الجملة الأولى هو إعتاد على العيش في بيت صغير (أي أنه لا يعيش فيه الآن)
2-الجملة الثانية:هو أنه كان،إعتاد أن يمشي لأميال (أي أنه لا يمشي الآن)
وهنا نصين قد يوضحان اكثر...

.......I remember
When I was a child, my mother was a
carpet weaver, and I used to help her.
I’d get the coloured wool ready for
her. I used to watch her weave the
traditional patterns. Her carpets were
beautiful. She taught me how to weave
– my first piece was a belt. We didn’t
use to have a TV, and in the evening
we’d often sit and tell traditional
stories and sing folk songs. But
nowadays, my grandchildren watch TV
and play computer games. I hope they
don’t forget the old traditional ways.

I was a doctor – I often used to work
ten hours a day. Sometimes I’d work at
the weekends as well. We didn’t use to
have the medicine and equipment that
hospitals have today. But we were very
skilled, and I would be really happy
when my patients got well again. I didn’t
use to have a car and I used to walk
home through the old market. I would
buy presents for my family and fresh
fruit for dinner. I think the fruit used to
taste better than nowadays! I don’t work
any more, but I keep up to date with the
latest medical news

مواضيع مماثلة
