Another Day.....

ترانيم العشق

كبار الشخصيات
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Another Day

Every dawn becomes a new day. Every dusk
another night. Every heart beats a new race
in this endless fight. But another day has
gone by and I'm still in your arms tonight.
Every wish goes unanswered. Every dream kept
with a prayer. Every question remains
unanswered and it's just not fair. But another
day has gone by and I'm still lying there.
Another day, another dream. Every moment
without you there is like a million years.
Every whisper that my heart makes seems to
be screaming your name, and when you're by my
side I feel so much more alive.
So love me for another day------------


مدير المنتدى
طاقم الإدارة
رد: Another Day.....

شكراعزيزتي سارة

موضوع رائعة وكلمات اروع

وحظوركي اروع من كل كلمات العالم
تحياتي حبيبتي سارة


كاتب جيد جدا
رد: Another Day.....

you're in your lover's arms
why you are thinking about time

don't you know that time, days, life are frosen at theess undless moments?

don't think, just be

ترانيم العشق

كبار الشخصيات
رد: Another Day.....

شكراعزيزتي سارة

موضوع رائعة وكلمات اروع

وحظوركي اروع من كل كلمات العالم
تحياتي حبيبتي سارة

ما في أروع من وجودك حياتي
مرورك يضفي على الكلمات بريقآ
ويعطيها ألف معنى اضافيآ
فكل كلماتي لك
دمت بسعادة حبيبي:eh_s(21):

ترانيم العشق

كبار الشخصيات
رد: Another Day.....

you're in your lover's arms
why you are thinking about time

don't you know that time, days, life are frosen at theess undless moments?

don't think, just be

Dear Sonda
Thanks for Ur passing by my words
U r right ,my dear
But I think that time is always there
for lovers
:SnipeR (69):


كاتب جيد جدا
رد: Another Day.....

time is lover's game
they can play with it, they can let it short or everlasting
they can even erase it, pass beyond it

they can do alllllll that
if they are true lovers

ترانيم العشق

كبار الشخصيات
رد: Another Day.....

time is lover's game
they can play with it, they can let it short or everlasting
they can even erase it, pass beyond it

they can do alllllll that
if they are true lovers

It seems that U r in love
Or U have experienced that
But U r right
Time is lovers game
Hope We Make it Everlasting
Thanks:SnipeR (69):


كاتب جيد جدا
رد: Another Day.....

God bless you Sarah
And hope you'll be in love for ever

I knew what love means
It's under my skin

I Love the love
the idea
the true meaning of love

I'm a lover dreamer

And I love you in fact

ترانيم العشق

كبار الشخصيات
رد: Another Day.....

you're in your lover's arms
why you are thinking about time

don't you know that time, days, life are frosen at theess undless moments?

don't think, just be

U r right,dear
we should forget about time
and just feel so close
Thanks alot,soulmate

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